Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Chapter 5
1.     Complete the questionnaire on p. 103. What are the results?
a.    Administrative Skill-24 High
b.    Interpersonal Skill-21 High
c.     Conceptual Skill-19 Moderate
2.     Complete observational exercise 5.2 steps one and two.
a.    Supervisory Special Agent (Name not disclosed for security reasons)
b.    Administrative Skills
                                              i.     Managing People-Average
                                            ii.     Managing Resources-Good
                                          iii.     Showing Technical Competence- Good
c.     Interpersonal Skills
                                              i.     Being socially perceptive-Weak
                                            ii.     Showing emotional intelligence-Weak
                                          iii.     Managing conflict-Weak
d.    Conceptual Skills
                                              i.     Problem Solving-Very Good
                                            ii.     Strategic Vision-Very Good
                                          iii.     Creating Vision-Very Good
3.     Answer Question 1 on p. 106.
a.    This particular leader is strong in creating vision and promoting the agency of which he or she works for. While the leader’s administrative skills are fairly strong, his or her ability to effectively communicate with the subordinates and manage emotions while at work leave large room for improvement

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