Wednesday, December 3, 2014


The major conclusion of this article can be summed up in these statements:
ü  “the attitude with which you enter a new group – something completely within your control – can help boost your chances of leading it.”
ü  “people who achieve high status early tend to retain it.”
ü  “first impression matter more than ever.”

1.     Describe, in detail, the two experiments that led researchers to these conclusions.
a.    In the first experiment one group was primed to feel power but remembering a time they held power over another individual. Additionally they were told to remember a time they felt joy as to stimulate the feeling of happiness. Other participants were primed for the exact opposite; told to remember a time that someone held power over them and an upsetting experience. An individual from each group in addition to an individual with a neutral outlook were tasked with a dilemma that required they make a group decision. It was clear that those who were primed to feel powerful and happy were more proactive and achieved higher status in the group.
b.    The second experiment was similar to the first in that those primed with a promotion focus were more aggressive in their negotiation of a mock business goal.

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