Wednesday, December 3, 2014


1.     Explain and discuss what is meant by each component of EI: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills
a.    Self-awareness-knowing one’s emotions, strengths, weaknesses, drives, values, and goals- and their impact on others.
b.    Self-regulation-controlling or redirecting disruptive emotions, and impulses. The ability to think before acting.
c.     Motivation-being driven to achieve for the sake of achievement
d.    Empathy-considering others’ feelings, especially when making decisions; understanding the emotional makeup of others
e.    Social skills-managing relationships to move people in desired directions; being able to find a common ground and build a relationship.
2.     How would you say you are doing in each of these? List your score and corresponding components from highest mark to lowest mark
a.    Self-awareness-5
b.    Self-regulation-5
c.     Motivation-4
d.    Social skills-3
e.    Empathy-2
3.     How confident are you that the person closest to you (a friend, family member, partner) would agree that you have accurately assess yourself? 5=very confident to 1=not at all confident.
a.    I feel that individuals the individuals that are closest to me would rate me as either a 5 or a 4 in how accurately I assessed myself. 
4.     What can you do to improve in the area that you scored lowest in?
a.    I believe that my high degree of motivation leads me to utilize a “by all means necessary” approach to accomplish my goals. This ends justifying the means method however does not take into account how my actions will impact the emotion balance of others. In order to improve my empathy towards others I feel that I must carefully determine how my decisions in the pursuit of my goals will affect the emotions of other individuals involved.

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