Wednesday, December 3, 2014


My mission in life is to devote my career to the protection of those who unable to do so themselves. I am humble in the fact that I was born into a protective family; however I acknowledge the fact that others were not as fortunate as myself. I feel that it is my duty to offer those groups of people the protection they deserve. My long-term goals are to advance my career to a specialized field, such as SWAT or explosives, or a leadership position such as Special Agent in Charge with a Federal Law Enforcement Agency, most likely the ATF. I view myself as a leader, however I currently feel that my leadership abilities must be strongly developed. I currently view myself as a results oriented person, a view shared by many in law enforcement including Chief Williamson. This bias towards task oriented leadership puts be at a disadvantage when it comes to managing my subordinates and I often disregard they personal feelings in my decision-making. I strongly feel that if I were able to merge these beliefs and find a balance between results and relationships, my leadership potential would be endless.     

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