Wednesday, December 3, 2014


1.     Discuss what status characteristics theory says about you and your ability to lead.
a.    Status Characteristics Theory seeks to explain how “inequalities in society at large are translated to status positions in groups.” They theory states that members of a group use status characteristics, race, age, gender, etc, to create an influential hierarchy within the group. My personal status characteristics, white, male, relatively young, may present me with opportunities to lead amongst my peers, however my age and lack of experience my hinder me amongst my older colleagues.
2.     Will this bring you an advantage or disadvantage?
a.    As previously stated, my relative inexperience my hinder my ability to lead in an organization consisting of individuals which are more experienced than I. My senior status in college however permits me to take charge in group assignments with little opposition.
3.     How will you harness it or combat it?
a.    I believe that continuing to take charge in college assignment will increase my leadership ability which may develop my leadership potential and allow me take leadership roles in the workplace despite my relatively little experience.  

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