Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Describe a time when you:
·      “Did evil” = joined in with a group and did something you knew was wrong
o   When I was underage I participated in underage drinking.
·       “Did inaction” = didn’t join in, but also did nothing to stop bad behavior
o   I have been witness to numerous individuals using illegal substances; while I did not participate in this behavior I did not report it to the authorities
·      “Did heroism” = went against the grain, risked your social status or safety or something else personal, to do what you knew was right
o   I have intervened in numerous physical alterations to restore order. I did so a personal risk to my safety and well being.
·      “Did I didn’t know” = did something wrong or immoral BUT at the time didn’t even know the behavior was problematic because it was “normalized” among your group.
o   At my place of employment it is commonplace to drink while on the job, I am employed at a bar. Many of the bartenders choose to openly drink beverages behind the bar. It wasn’t until the owner of the establishment informed us at a staff meeting that it is illegal to pour your own alcoholic beverage that we discovered that what we were doing was wrong.

·      How susceptible are you to the power of social forces?
o   I am not easily susceptible to the power of social forces. Even under intense social pressure from my peers I will evaluate almost every decision and its possible consequences before I act.

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