Wednesday, December 3, 2014


1.     Describe 4 things that the authors argue all good leaders need to do.
a.    They selectively show their weaknesses
b.    They reveal their differences
c.     They manage employees with “tough empathy”
d.    They heavily rely on their intuition to determine the timing and direction of their actions
2.     Explain the 4 popular myths about leadership – and the corresponding truths.
a.    Myth: Everyone can be a leader. Truth: Many individuals do not possess the necessary self-understanding required for leadership nor wish to assume the responsibility that is required for the possession. Many individuals prefer to spend more time with their private lives than dedicated all of their time and resources to their job.
b.    Myth: Leaders deliver business results. Truth: This is not true in every case; companies with excellent management can excel better than those with good leadership. Additionally some businesses with respectable leadership do not produce results.
c.     Myth: People who get to the top are leaders. Truth: Many of the individuals who make it to the top-level positions do so because of political expertise, not necessarily their leadership abilities. Leaders are often found on every level of the organization chart.
d.    Myth: Leaders are great coaches. Truth: Many individuals have been raised around the idea that leaders ought to be great coaches. This belief assumes that leaders are able to teach technical skills as well as inspire their subordinates. Many effective leaders are strong in their ability to excite others rather than in their instructional ability. 

Study of Leadership

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